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Doug Pagitt

Fri 11 AM | Greater Things

Doug Pagitt

If by some odd set of circumstances we were to meet at a party where neither of us knew the host and were both the party-partners of someone else, and we were trapped in the kitchen, and in a kind effort you sought to break the awkward silence by saying, “so, who are you?”, I would want to tell you that deep down I am a novice ultra-marathoner and try not to talk constantly about having run a 100-mile race recently. And at this very moment, I wish I was out on a run.

But instead, in order to fit the protocol of casual, professional interactions I would tell you that I am a pastor, an author, a convener who seeks to be a goodness conspirator & possibility evangelist finding creative, entrepreneurial and generative ways to enlist people to join in the hopes, dreams, and desires of God for the world.

If you seemed at all interested in all that professional stuff I might include that I do that work by being the pastor of Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis, speaking and writing on spirituality and leadership a

227 Doug Pagitt, Topic TBD
298 Greater Than: How Ordinary People Are Outdoing Jesus, Why It Is Good News
299 Now Were Talk’n With Doug Pagitt Podcast
405 What is W/?
435 Vote Common Good Bus Tour enlisting religious voters to flip Congress
193 Breaking Bad-ass

Session #227

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